The District typically reads your water meter once a month, usually within the first 12 working days of each month.
Report the incident to the SMWD office immediately upon discovery. Secure a Barangay Report and submit it for water meter replacement. New water meter to be installed will be billed on concessionaire’s account and may be settled on installment basis within 6 months.
Several factors can cause an abrupt increase in your water bill, including:
- An increase in the number of users under the account
- A leak after the water meter
- Unmonitored or excessive water usage
- An erroneous reading by the water meter reader
- Interchanged water meters during replacement or installation activities
- A defective water meter
The District disconnects water service for non-payment of accounts. If your service has been disconnected for this reason, you need to visit the office to pay the past-due balance and the reconnection fee before your water service can be restored. Please note that if payment for the reconnection fee is made after 5:00 PM, you will need to wait until the next working day for your service to be reactivated.
- Duly accomplished application form
- Senior citizen identification card or any Gov’t. ID with photo, signature and Birthday
- Billing Notice
- The meter registration should be in the name of the Senior Citizen for a period of one (1) year and the application of discount must be renewed annually.
Water bill payments can be made at the Santa Maria Water District office, located at 302 JP Rizal St., Poblacion, Santa Maria, Bulacan.
Payments can also be made through the following authorized collecting agents:
For real time posting of payments

1-3 Business Days processing before posting of payment

- Proof of Identification
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Lot Ownership
- Affidavit of transfer of rights of the outgoing concessionaire
- Payment of fee for supersedure of service amounting to P 50.00
1. The Applicant is an Individual
a. Proof of Identification
Photocopy of any of the following government-issued identification cards bearing the photo & signature of the applicant and/or authorized representative:
• Driver’s License duly issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO)
• Professional ID duly issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
• Voter’s ID duly issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
• Passport duly issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
• Postal ID duly issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost)
• Unified Multi-Purpose ID duly issued by the:
– Social Security Systems (SSS)
– Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
– Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC)
• Tax identification ID duly issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
• Senior Citizens ID duly issued by the Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA)
• Barangay ID duly issued by the Barangay Captain
• Radio License duly issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
• Firearms License duly issued by the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO)
• Philippine National ID duly issued by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
b. Proof of Residency
Certificate of Residency of the applicant duly issued by the Barangay Captain indicating the exact address of the property he is applying for.
c. Proof of Lot Ownership
Basic Requirement (Clear or Colored Photocopy of any of the following documents)
• Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
• Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale
• Notarized Deed of Conditional Sale
• Notarized Contract to Sell
• Notarized Deed of Donation
• Certification from National Housing Authority (NHA)
• Certification from the Bank, GSIS, PAG-IBIG or other housing institutions
***Please note that combination of requirements may vary
i. Applicant is the Lot Owner
– Basic Requirement
ii. Applicant is the Lot owner and is out of the country
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Authorization – Original Copy of authorization letter duly signed by the lot owner authorizing the representative to apply for and in behalf of the applicant.
– Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of the authorized representative
iii. Applicant is the Lot owner’s spouse whose name is not indicated in the Lot title
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Relationship – Marriage contract duly certified by either the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
iv. Applicant is the lot owner but the lot title is under mortgage to a person or bank or Lending institution
– Basic Requirement
– Recognition of the Right of the Mortgagee – Notarized Affidavit by the applicant who is the lot owner under a mortgage agreement clearly stating his/her interest to apply for water service connection with a condition that in case the mortgagee decides for the removal of his/her water service connection, the applicant shall voluntary do so without prejudice or liability to any legal action against the Santa Maria Water District
v. Applicant is not the Lot owner
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Consent from the Lot Owner – Original copy of Notarized Affidavit of Consent by the lot owner/s authorizing the applicant to apply for water service connection in his/her/their property/lot
– Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of lot owner.
vi. Applicant is not the Lot owner and cannot acquire an authorization letter because the Lot owner is out of the country or cannot be located.
– Basic Requirement
– Recognition of the Right of the Lot Owner – Notarized Affidavit by the applicant who is not the lot owner clearly stating his/her interest to apply for water service connection with a condition that in case the lot shall voluntary do so without prejudice or liability to any legal action against the Santa Maria Water District.
vii. Applicant is not the Lot owner and can acquire consent thru the immediate family member of the Lot Owner.
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Consent from the relative of the Lot Owner – Original copy of Notarized Affidavit of Consent by the relative of lot owner/s authorizing the applicant to apply for water service connection in his/her/their property/lot
– Proof of Relationship – Marriage contract / Birth Certificate duly certified by either the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office.
– Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of lot owner.
– Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of relative of lot owner.
viii. Applicant is not the Lot owner and cannot acquire an authorization letter because the Lot owner is deceased but with heir/s
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Death – Death Certificate of lot owner/s duly certified by any of the following: (1) Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), (2) Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office, (3) hospitals/clinics, (4) credible institution to certify the death of the lot owner
– Proof of Consent from the relative of the lot owner – Notarized Affidavit of Consent by the heir/s of the lot owner authorizing the applicant to apply for water service connection in his/her property/lot.
– Proof of Relationship – Marriage contract / Birth Certificate of heir duly certified by either the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office.
– Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of heir of lot owner.
ix. Applicant is not the Lot owner, but he is one of the legitimate heirs of the deceased lot owner/s.
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Death – Death Certificate of lot owner/s duly certified by any of the following: (1) Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), (2) Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office, (3) hospitals/clinics, (4) credible institution to certify the death of the lot owner
– Proof of Relationship – Marriage contract or Birth Certificate duly certified by either the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
– Self-affidavit executed by the applicant who is not the lot owner clearly stating his/her interest to apply for water service connection with a condition that in case the lot shall voluntary do so without prejudice or liability to any legal action against the Santa Maria Water District.
viii. Applicant is a Lessee (Bldg. and/or Lot)
– Basic Requirement
– Proof of Lease Agreement – Photocopy of Notarized Contract of Lease/Lease Agreement.
d. Payment of Initial Fees and Charges

e. Optional Requirement
Excavation Permit (when required) duly issued by any of the following:
• Barangay Hall for Barangay Road
• Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) for Provincial Road
• Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for National Road
Letter of Consent with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the location of water meter shall be installed in private property)
Authorization to pass private property with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the prepared service line of the applicant pass-through a private property)
2. The Applicant is a Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture, Partnership or Single Proprietorship.
a. Proof of Business Identification
Photocopy of any of the following documents:
• Business Name and Articles of Incorporation duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with By-laws
• SEC Certificate of Registration
• Business Name and Articles of Incorporation duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
• Joint Venture Agreement and/or Contract
• Business Name and Articles of Incorporation duly registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Single Proprietorship
b. Proof of Authorization
• Secretary’s Certificate authorizing the Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture or Partnership to apply for water service connection and authorizing the representative for and in behalf of the Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture or Partnership
• For Single Proprietorship, the owner may issue an authorization to a representative to transact for and his/her behalf with the Santa Maria Water District
c. Proof of Identification
Photocopy of any of the following government-issued identification cards bearing the photo & signature of the Secretary of the Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture, Partnership or Single Proprietorship (owner) and the duly authorized representative:
• Driver’s License duly issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO)
• Professional ID duly issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
• Voter’s ID duly issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
• Passport duly issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
• Postal ID duly issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Phil Post)
• Unified Multi-Purpose ID duly issued by the:
– Social Security Systems (SSS)
– Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
– Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC)
• Tax identification ID duly issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
• Senior Citizens ID duly issued by the Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA)
• Barangay ID duly issued by the Barangay Captain
• Radio License duly issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
• Firearms License duly issued by the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO)
• Philippine National ID duly issued by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
d. Proof of Lot Ownership
• Photocopy of any of the following documents if the Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture, Partnership or Single Proprietorship (owner) is the lot owner:
– Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
– Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale
– Notarized Deed of Conditional Sale
– Notarized Contract to Sell
– Notarized Deed of Donation
• Photocopy of Notarized Contract of Lease/ Lease Agreement if the Corporation, Foundation, Cooperative, Joint Venture, Partnership or Single Proprietorship (owner) is not the lot owner.
***Please note that combination of requirements may vary
e. Proof of Residency
Certificate of Residency of the applicant duly issued by the Barangay Captain indicating the exact address of property they are applying for.
f. Proof of Consent from the Lot Owner – Original copy of Notarized Affidavit of Consent by the lot owner/s authorizing the applicant to apply for water service connection in his/her/their property/lot
g. Clear Photocopy of Government issued ID of lot owner.
f. Payment of Initial Fees and Charges

g. Optional Requirement
Excavation Permit (when required) duly issued by any of the following:
• Barangay Hall for Barangay Road
• Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) for Provincial Road
• Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for National Road
Letter of Consent with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the location of water meter shall be installed in private property)
Authorization to pass private property with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the prepared service line of the applicant pass-through a private property)
3. The Applicant is a Government Agency (Municipal Hall/ School/ Barangay Hall/ Barangay Outpost/ Barangay Daycare/ Fire Station/ Health Center)
a. Proof of Identification
Photocopy of any of the following government-issued identification cards bearing the photo & signature of the Head of the Agency and the duly authorized representative:
• Driver’s License duly issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO)
• Professional ID duly issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
• Voter’s ID duly issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
• Passport duly issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
• Postal ID duly issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Phil Post)
• Unified Multi-Purpose ID duly issued by the:
– Social Security Systems (SSS)
– Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
– Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC)
• Tax identification ID duly issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
• Senior Citizens ID duly issued by the Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA)
• Barangay ID duly issued by the Barangay Captain
• Radio License duly issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
• Firearms License duly issued by the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO)
• Philippine National ID duly issued by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
b. Proof of Lot Ownership
Photocopy of any of the following documents:
• Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
• Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale
• Notarized Deed of Conditional Sale
• Notarized Contract to Sell
• Notarized Deed of Donation
• ***Please note that combination of requirements may vary
c. Proof of Availability of Funds
Certificate of Availability of Funds duly issued by the Head of the Agency
d. Payment of Initial Fees and Charges

e. Optional Requirement
Excavation Permit (when required) duly issued by any of the following:
• Barangay Hall for Barangay Road
• Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) for Provincial Road
• Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for National Road
Letter of Consent with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the location of water meter shall be installed in private property)
Authorization to pass private property with valid I.D. of lot owner
(If the prepared service line of the applicant pass-through a private property)
Note: For existing account holders who wish to have additional water connection in the same location as their existing account location, the following documents may be required:
1. Land Title – if no copy of land title is maintained on the system
2. Affidavit of consent – if applicant is not the lot owner. Affidavit of consent provided at the time of application of existing account is only for the application at the time the affidavit of consent was previously issued.
3. Valid ID – if no copy of Valid ID is maintained on the system.
4. Certificate of Residency – Certificate of residency is only valid for a specific period of time
2. Proof of Identification
Photocopy of any of the following government-issued identification cards bearing the photo & signature of the applicant and/or authorized representative:
a.) Driver’s License duly issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO)
b.) Professional ID duly issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
c.) Voter’s ID duly issued by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
d.) Passport duly issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
e.) Postal ID duly issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Phil Post)
f.) Unified Multi Purpose ID duly issued by the
f.1. Social Security Systems (SSS)
f.2. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
f.4. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC)
g.) Tax identification ID duly issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
h.) Senior Citizens ID duly issued by the Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA)
i.) Barangay ID duly issued by the Barangay Captain
j.) Radio License duly issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
k.) Firearms License duly issued by the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO)
3. Proof of Residency
Certificate of Residency of the applicant duly issued by the Barangay Captain
4. Proof of Lot Ownership
Basic Requirement:
Photocopy of any of the following documents:
Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale
Notarized Contract to Sell
Notarized Deed of Donation
***Please note that combination of requirements may vary
5. Payment of Initial Fees and Charges

6. Optional Requirement
Excavation Permit (when required) duly issued by any of the following:
Barangay Hall for Barangay Road
Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) for Provincial Road
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for National Road