Valentine’s Day is not a holiday, however is annually celebrated by most of the Filipinos. It is the day of the year when people express their love and affection through letters, chocolates, and gifts.

In preparation for the Valentine’s Day at the Santa Maria Water District, the Gender and Development (GAD) – Focal Point System (GFPS) Committees met on the 6th of February to plan and brainstorm about the events and programs they would be doing. The committees said that in order to feel the spirit of love during the Valentine’s Day, there must be decorations at some areas of the building. Hence, they started to decorate some areas of the building on February 8 and finished by February 12.

On February 13, an announcement detailing the events that would happen on the following day and the clothing guide were sent to the SMWD Employees via Facebook Messenger. The dress code colours are 1) red for in a relationship and or happily married; 2) yellow for moving on; 3) blue for broken hearted; 4) green for it’s complicated; 5) orange for waiting for someone and or still hoping; 6) black for bitter; 7) pink for flirting; 8) brown for friend-zone; 9) violet for no boyfriend/girlfriend since birth; 10) gray for single and contented; 11) office uniform for kill joy. The employees felt extremely excited upon hearing the news. The committees then set up a booth at the Employees’ Lobby where two boxes were placed respectively for song requests and love letters.

On Valentine’s Day, the SMWD Employees reported to work in different colours, but there were still some in office uniform. Teasing and laughing were active at that day. At 8 am, the song requests were randomly picked by the designated music player, who was also tasked to read the dedications. The love letters, on the other hand, were delivered to its respective recipients.

At the same time, the committees were busy buying and packing the gifts to be given to employees, concessionaires, and outsourced personnel. A total of two hundred (200) concessionaires, who had their transactions that day, received a mamón and a leaflet about Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) and Si SMWD ay hindi “NAWASA”. On the other hand, the outsourced personnel received a chiffon cake. While a hundred and eighty-two (182) employees were given a chocolate and a sweet bread packed with love and care. Upon receipt of their gifts, they were requested for a photo opportunity holding what they received.

At the end of the day, all hearts were happily filled with love and sweetness. Indeed, love can be expressed through gifts, but cannot be measured through gifts.