The Santa Maria Water District (SMWD) calmed its employees amid threats of the dreaded Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) through an information drive and office disinfection activities last March 13 and 14.
On March 13, representatives from Department of Health (DOH) – Santa Maria, conducted simultaneous orientations on COVID-19 at the SMWD main and Farmacia Emilia offices.
The DOH personnel informed the employees on the must-know things about the disease – it’s symptoms, ways of transmission, prevention, and proper actions in case symptoms are experienced.
Before the close of office hours on the same day, employees also observed the 5S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain), to ensure that their workplace remains clean and orderly.
In addition, selected personnel conducted office disinfection the following day, March 14, which sacrificed a regular Saturday office hour in order to maintain a COVID-19-free office for the safety of employees and concessionaires.
Four employees conducted the disinfection at the main office, while five others cleansed the Farmacia office.
Aside from office disinfection and observing of the 5S, SMWD has also started implementing safety precautions inside the office like the use of thermal scanner and provision of alcohol for all personnel and concessionaires; and the wearing of surgical masks for employees in the Customer Service and Teller.