SMWD bagged 3rd place with an outstanding Water Safety Plan (WSP) among over a hundred water districts in the country. obtaining an overall rating of 97.57%.
On May 24, 2024, in Tagaytay City, the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) hosted a recognition event for the awarding of Water Safety Plan (WSP) Certificates of Acceptance through its Water Safety Plan (WSP) Committee.
This half day Recognition Ceremony is sponsored by the World Health Organization. As culminating activity of this ceremony, LWUA honored the top ten Water Districts with Outstanding Water Safety Plan (WSP).

What is WSP and its importance?
A water safety plan is a management strategy used to guarantee the availability of clean drinking water for human use. A comprehensive strategy to water management is necessary for effective safety planning, one that evaluates all potential hazards to the quality of drinking water along the supply chain, from the supplier to the consumer, and implements interventions to lower contamination risks.
Plans for water safety are proactive in nature, seeking to lessen risks before they materialize. The main goals of water safety plans are to purify water so that it is safe and to prevent contamination at the source or anywhere else in the storage and distribution system.
About 300 delegations from 108 recipient water districts, as well as guests, such as World Health Organization representatives and notable LWUA figures, attended the ceremony.

Dir. Amelia S. De Jesus
BOD Chairman
Top Management Representative
Engr. Carlos N. Santos, Jr.
General Manager
Top Management Representative
Engr. Mac Daniel C. Alejandro
Senior Engineer A
WSP Team Leader
Ms. Theresa Marie D.R. Mauricio
Member- Water Source and Water Treatment

Engr. Romano S. David
Senior Engineer A.
Member- Water Distribution
Engr. Angelo A. Reyes
Senior Engineer A
Member – Pipeline Maintenance
Ms. Angela A. Gerona -Cruz
Senior Corporate Accountant C
Member- Finance
Mr. Ramon A. Villamin, Jr.
Utilities/Customer Services Officer A
Member- Customer Service
Ms. Mimis Kay D. Dayandayan
Management Information Analyst
Member- Public Information
Ms. Roxanne C. Espiritu
Secretary A
Member- Secretariat
Santa Maria Water District is extremely proud to have received recognition as the third-place winner. Our hardworking WSP Team, our General Manager, our Board of Directors are the brains of this accomplishment. Yes, We’re So Proud! Congratulations, SMWD!
Written by: Roxanne C. Espiritu – OGM/Secretary A